
Church Newsletter 11/12/2022

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We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 04/12/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Christmas 2022

Rev Grant Maclaughlan writes:

There are three words that every person needs to hear, whether from a spouse, a partner, a parent, a child, a friend…
“I love you!”

We all long to know that we are loved by others. The Christmas Story is a love story, the moment when God declared, “I love you” to all of humanity through the coming of Jesus. This act of love is expressed through the words of the traditional carol.

Love came down at Christmas,
love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas;
star and angels gave the sign.

God’s love for us is generous, sacrificial, forgiving, life refreshing and it is a love which never gives up.

Why not take a moment and quietly reflect on the words “God Loves Me”. Repeat them slowly in your mind.

This Christmas may we all hear and experience the wonder of God’s love.”

Everyone is welcome to join us for any of our services which will be led by our Minister, Rev. Grant Maclaughlan.

There will be a retiring collection for Maggie’s on 11th December and for Bethany Trust at both the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.

Sunday 11th December: 11am – we will be joined by the Maggie’s Choir
Sunday 18th December: 11am – Lessons and Carols
Saturday 24th December, Christmas Eve: 6.30pm – Family Carol Service
Saturday 24th December, Christmas Eve: 11.30pm – Watchnight Service
Sunday 25th December, Christmas Day: 10am – All age Service in the Hall

Also, throughout Advent, Sunday 27th November – 18th December,
the Western Grouping present ‘Putting Christ back in Christmas’
6.30pm at Menzieshill Parish Church.

Home Notices

Tuesday Bible Study Groups

Connect Groups – Connecting with God, Connecting with each other

The afternoon group meets on Tuesdays 2-3.30pm in the Session Room. There will be a series of 8 studies on “Prayers of the New Testament”.

The evening group meets Tuesday 7.15-8.45pm. This group is following 10 studies looking at, “The Apostle’s Creed” using Good Book Guide by Tim Chester (cost £3)

Please sign up after church if you would like to attend or email

For more information on our Connect Bible Groups, please contact Grant on


Church Newsletter 27/11/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 20/11/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 13/11/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 6/11/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.

Home Notices

Church Ceilidh

Music by Cutting Edge, stovies and refreshments included (alcohol-free event).

Limited number of tickets available – £10 each for adults (under 16s free), please contact us if you would like to buy tickets

All welcome – wear some tartan if you like!

Any profits will be reinvested in the local community.


Church Newsletter 30/10/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.