
Church Newsletter 04/09/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 28/08/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 21/08/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 14/08/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 07/08/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.

Home Notices

Tuesday Bible Study Groups

Connect Groups – Connecting with God, Connecting with each other

Our next Tuesday Bible Study series will start on September 6th, with a choice of an evening or an afternoon session to try.

We will start with a series on “God’s Love” using a short guide book to explore some psalms which fill out aspects of this vast topic.

We had thought about calling the series “CONNECT with the Bible” but that misses the point, it’s really all about Connecting with Jesus.

For more information, please contact Grant on


Worship arrangements

** Updated 31st July 2022 **

These are our current arrangements for worship:

  • You are welcome to wear a face covering, and sit away from others if you prefer
  • Please join us for refreshments in the church hall after the service, bring your own cup if you can
  • You can enter by Shaftesbury Terrace (flat access) or Blackness Avenue (steps)

Do not attend if you have received a positive lateral flow test result, are isolating, have any symptoms of Covid-19.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

And for those who choose not to attend, we will be praying for you, and a time when we can all worship together in person.


Church Newsletter 31/07/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Church Newsletter 24/07/2022

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.

Home Notices

Sinderins Community Hub

Our pilot scheme is starting on Thursday 18th August – Thursdays 1-4pm.

Drop in for coffee, snack & a chat – Come on your own or bring a friend.

A place to meet and make friends, a place to participate in serving the community as well as a place to find support, a place where there will always be someone to listen to you and a place where you can shape what is offered.

Everyone is welcome – no charge, donations welcome.