
Worship for Sunday 25/7/2021

We have a recorded version of the service from Invergowrie Church for anyone who is unable to attend church this morning.


With thanks to Rev Catriona Morrison, Rev Marc Prowe and all contributors.


Church Newsletter 25/7/2021

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.

Home Notices

Level 0 worship arrangements

** Updated 14th October 2021 **

On Monday 19th July, Dundee moved into Covid level 0, so we have slightly adjusted our arrangements for worship.

We are worshipping in church every Sunday at 11am, and our website services will be taken from Invergowrie church.

Main changes:
– We can sing (behind our masks),
– The new distancing arrangements mean that we can use more pews,
– Pew cushions have been replaced,
– Continue to bring your refreshments to enjoy in the church hall afterwards

It would be lovely to see you back in the church building, but please don’t come if you don’t feel it is right for you.

Do not attend if you are isolating, have any symptoms of Covid-19 or if you have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

These are the full arrangements:

  • You must wear a mask / face covering in the building, unless you are exempt.
  • You might want to bring a bible as pew bibles have been put away for now.
Photo of box of face masks
  • Come to the main door on Blackness Avenue. Flat access is available via the Shaftesbury Terrace door.
  • Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than normal to ensure all can be seated by 11.00am.
  • Wait outside in a socially distanced manner until you are invited to enter the building. This will be one (or one household) at a time.
Photo of pull up banner
  • As you come in you will be asked to read some notices, put on your mask / face covering and use the hand sanitiser provided.
Photo of hand sanitiser station
  • You will need to give your name and phone number. This is to comply with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect programme.
  • Please wait until you are directed to a pew.
  • Every other pew is in use.
  • Please maintain social distance.
  • The disabled toilet is the only toilet available. Leave the church at the front right door to access this toilet via the corridor.
  • At the end of the service, please maintain social distancing as you leave.
  • Please bring your own refreshments, and join us in the hall for a chat afterwards.
  • Children are very welcome but there will not be a Sunday Club. We suggest you bring activities for your children to do during the sermon.
  • Please bring any monetary donations in an envelope and leave them the box provided; cheques would be preferable to cash.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

And for those who choose not to attend, we will be praying for you, and a time when we can all worship together in person.


Worship for Sunday 18/7/2021

We have a recorded version of the service from Invergowrie Church for anyone who is unable to attend church this morning.


With thanks to Rev Catriona Morrison, Rev Marc Prowe and all our contributors.


Church Newsletter 18/7/2021

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.

Home Notices

Interim Moderator

As Rev Catriona Morrison & Rev Marc Prowe have now been inducted into the Carse churches, Rev James Wilson returns as our Interim Moderator.


Worship for Sunday 11/7/2021

Rev Catriona Morrison is leading our worship in church, as we finish our sort series “Ask Seek Knock”.

We have a recorded version for anyone unable to attend.


With thanks to Rev Catriona Morrison, Rev Marc Prowe and all our contributors.


Church Newsletter 11/7/2021

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Worship for Sunday 4/7/2021

Rev Marc Prowe is leading our worship in church, as we consider “Seeking”.

We have a recorded version for anyone unable to attend.


With thanks to Rev Catriona Morrison, Rev Marc Prowe and all our contributors.


Church Newsletter 4/7/2021

Download our latest newsletter.

We send out a church newsletter by post or email, to our church family. If you would like to receive a copy please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.