
November services

During November we will meet in church and online as follows:

  • Sunday 1st November – in church
  • Sunday 8th November- online
  • Sunday 15th November- in church
  • Sunday 22nd November- online
  • Sunday 29th November- online

If you are planning to attend a church service, please check our information page.


Worship for Sunday 25/10/2020

Introductory music

Tune: O waly waly, used for the hymn “An upper room did our Lord prepare”.


Welcome to our time of worship. Thank you for joining us. We are led today by Rev James Wilson, who introduces the service with some words that may be familiar.

Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.


Our first hymn is “We sing a love that sets all people free”, recorded by St James’s United Reformed Church, Newcastle upon Tyne. The words appear on the screen, though there is no congregation singing.

Bible Readings

Our first reading is from Deuteronomy, chapter 34, verses 1-12, read by Lorna Carter, there is no picture when the reading is taking place.

Our second reading is from the gospel of Matthew, chapter 22, verses 34-12, read by Dorothy Drummond.

Our third reading is from 1 Thessalonians, chapter 2, verses 1-8, read by Catherine Mclean.

Reflection part one


Our next hymn is “What a friend we have in Jesus”, recorded at the Albert Hall in Nottingham, for BBC Songs of Praise.

Reflection part two


Our next hymn is “Praise, I will praise you, Lord”, recorded by an unknown family, I assume in the United States. It’s a beautiful hymn with simple repeated lyrics:

Praise, I will praise you Lord
With all my heart
O God, I will tell the wonders of your ways
And glorify your name

Praise, I will praise you Lord
With all my heart
In you I will find the source of all my joy

Love, I will love you
With all my heart
O God, I will tell the wonders of your ways
And glorify your name

Love, I will love you
With all my heart
In you I will find the source of all my joy

Serve, I will serve you Lord
With all my heart
O God, I will tell the wonders of your ways
And glorify your name

Serve, I will serve you Lord
With all my heart
In you I will find the source of all my joy

Reflection part three, and prayers


Our final hymn is a hymn “Facing a task unfinished”, with new words. recorded for World Mission Sunday, and includes contributions from World Mission Partners around the world. This video may include adverts.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Sine Nomine by Ralph Vaughan Williams, played on our church organ


We are continuing to alternate between online and in church services. Next week (1st November), Rev Anita Kerr will lead our service in church.

With thanks to Rev James Wilson, Catherine Mclean, Dorothy Drummond and Lorna Carter.


Arrangements for worship in church

We are currently holding services in church on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.

It would be lovely to see you back in the church building, but please don’t come if you don’t feel it is right for you.

Please take note of the following points before deciding whether or not to attend, and to prepare yourself, if you do decide to attend.

Don’t worry if you decide to stay at home; the website services will continue on the 2nd/4th/5th Sundays, followed by coffee time on Zoom.

  • Check the Health Assessment to decide if it is wise for you to attend the church.
    If you need to travel by bus, is that wise?
  • Do not attend if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or if you have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
  • You must bring a mask / face covering (compulsory).
  • You might want to bring a bible and bottle of water.
Photo of box of face masks
  • Come to the main door on Blackness Avenue. Please let us know in advance if you need disabled access.
  • Aim to arrive 15-20 minutes earlier than normal to ensure all can be seated by 11.00am.
  • Wait outside in a socially distanced manner until you are invited to enter the building. This will be one (or one household) at a time. Bring an umbrella if the weather is doubtful!
Photo of pull up banner
  • As you come in you will be asked to read some notices, put on your mask / face covering and use the hand sanitiser provided.
Photo of hand sanitiser station
  • You will need to give your name and phone number. This is to comply with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect programme.
  • Please wait until you are directed to a pew.
  • Only some pews will be in use and these will be ‘filled’ from the front backwards.
  • Each pew can only have either two individuals, a couple & an individual, or a family. It’s important you stay in the seat to which you are directed.
  • Cushions are not permitted in the pews.
  • Avoid touching anything and maintain social distance.
  • The disabled toilet will be the only toilet available. Please keep use to a minimum.
  • There will no singing and no pew Bibles or service sheets, but we will still have music playing.
  • At the end of the service, stay in your seat until you are directed to leave the building. Those in the back pews will be asked to leave first, all leaving through the main door and not along the passage.
  • There must only be essential talking within the building and no congregating outside.
  • It will not be possible to serve tea and coffee.
  • Children are very welcome but there will not be a Sunday Club. We suggest you bring activities for your children to do during the sermon.
  • Please bring any monetary donations in an envelope and leave them the box provided; cheques would be preferable to cash.

This all sounds very strict, and very different to how we normally worship together.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

And for those who choose not to attend, we will be praying for you, and a time when we can worship together in person.


Worship for Sunday 11/10/2020

Introductory music

Monday by Einaudi


Welcome to our time of worship. Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.


This week’s time of worship is led by John Dent, and he welcomes us in the video below:


Our opening hymn is “Jesus stand among us”.

Bible Reading

Philippians chapter 4 verses 2-9 read by Frances Dent


Our next hymn is “Like a river glorious”.


by John Dent, which has subtitles.


Let us reflect on these words as we listen to the choir of Ansgar’s Church, Odense, Denmark, who recorded this for Easter 2020.


John Dent leads us in prayer.


Our final hymn is “Rejoice the Lord is King”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at St Albans Cathedral.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Highland Cathedral, played on our church organ


As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we are making plans for holding services in our church building, and should be able to share these with you by the end of August. We will continue to use our website for worship too!

With thanks to John Dent, Ruth Mahood, Helen Mahood, Ramanee Bengough, Ed Muirhead and Bill Mclean.


Worship for Sunday 4/10/2020

This week, Rev Anita Kerr led our worship in church. If you were unable to join us, you will find the readings. reflection and prayers below.


Psalm 19
Isaiah 5: 1-7
Matthew 21: 33-43



Today’s prayers are from the Church of Scotland ‘Ascend’ website written by Worship Development Worker, Phill Mellstrom.
These prayers have been composed in grateful recognition of our individual contribution to the work of God. We are the best resource our church has, whatever our role, wherever we do it. Phil’s prayer recognises our individual stresses and strains, worries and anxieties offering them and us, up to our great and glorious God for renewal -lifting our faces to the heavens to see and tell of the glory of God.

Let us pray,
God of inclusive love,
You know each and every one of us.

You know –
that some of us are doing just fine,
others are freaking out,
while others struggle to breathe.

The weight of the moment
and the need for grace and mercy
are pushing some of us to our knees.

Help us all –
to pray honestly,
to speak truthfully and compassionately,
to act kindly and seek justice fervently.

Help us all –
to see You in the kindness of friend and stranger,
hear You in the laughter, cries and silence,
know You in the midst of our circumstances.

May Your Spirit be at the heart of all we do,
not on one side or the other,
but the very centre of our lives.

May Your Kingdom be made real in our communities,
through the work of Your church
guided by Your wild and untamed Spirit.

Let us say together

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,

We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.


The Peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, and the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, be with you and remain with you always. Amen


Our Bible Study series on John has recently started. We meet online on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. Find out more.

Our online time of worship next week (11th October) will be led by John Dent, and we will be back in church on Sunday 18th October with Rev David Mcleod preaching.

If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” on the weeks that we are not in church, please contact

With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr and Ed Muirhead, plus the Welcome team for their contributions to the church service, and those who prepared the church for opening.


Worship for Harvest Sunday 27/9/2020


Welcome to our time of worship, thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.

Introductory music


Our time of worship for Harvest is led by Rev David Mcleod, and the photos throughout the web page are from congregation members.


Our opening hymn is “Come, ye thankful people, come”.

Bible reading

John 6 1-15 read by Ramanee Bengough

Reflection, part one

by Rev David Mcleod, which has subtitles.

Bible reading

John 21 1-19 read by Ramanee Bengough

Reflection part two

by Rev David Mcleod, which has subtitles.


Let us reflect on these words, by singing My Jesus, My Saviour, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at Pontio Arts Centre, Bangor.


Let us pray.

God, the beginning and end of all things,
in your providence and care
you watch unceasingly over all creation;
we offer our prayers
that in us and in all your people your will may be done,
according to your wise and loving purpose in Christ our Lord.
Lord of all life: hear our prayer.

We pray for all through whom we receive sustenance and life;
for farmers and agricultural workers,
for packers, distributors and those who work in our food shops;
as you have so ordered our life that we depend upon each other,
enable us by your grace to seek the well-being of others before
our own.
Lord of all creation: hear our prayer

We pray for all engaged in research to safeguard crops against disease,
and to produce abundant life among those who hunger
and whose lives are at risk.
Prosper the work of their hands
and the searching of their minds,
that their labour may be for the welfare of all.
Lord of all wisdom: hear our prayer.

We pray for governments and aid agencies,
and those areas of the world where there is disaster, drought
and starvation.
By the grace of your Spirit,
touch our hearts
and the hearts of all who live in comfortable plenty,
and make us wise stewards of your gifts.
Lord of all justice: hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are ill,
remembering those in hospital and nursing homes
and all who are known to us.
We pray for all who care for them.
Give skill and understanding
to all who work for their well-being.
Lord of all compassion: hear our prayer.

We remember those who have died,
whom we entrust to your eternal love
in the hope of resurrection to new life.
Lord of all peace: hear our prayer.

We offer ourselves to your service,
asking that by the Spirit at work in us
others may receive a rich harvest of love and joy and peace.
Lord of all faithfulness: hear our prayer.

God of grace,
as you are ever at work in your creation,
so fulfil your wise and loving purpose in us
and in all for whom we pray,
that with them and in all that you have made,
your glory may be revealed
and the whole earth give praise to you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

And this week we pray especially for the students and staff of our universities especially those here in Dundee.

Lord, be with our students, who strive to further their knowledge, who may have travelled to a new city or country, and are now affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Keep them safe, protect them, in particular if they are in isolation. Help them to remain positive, make them good friends to each other, and let them see that this is only short term. If they need help, give them the people to help them, show them the services and agencies available, and encourage them to ask.

Be with all staff at our universities who are trying to support our students, and to teach them at this very difficult time.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


Let us say together …

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “We plough the fields and scatter”, from Web Ministries TV.


by Rev David Mcleod

Final music

“Praise my soul the King of Heaven”, recorded in our church.


If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” with other members of the church family, in future weeks, please contact

Next Sunday (4th October) our service will take place in church at 11am. Please review the latest Scottish Government guidance and our information before attending.

Prayers adapted from the Church of England.

With thanks to Rev David Mcleod, Ramanee Bengough, Ed Muirhead, Bill Mclean, and Hazel Bengough.


Worship for Sunday 20/9/2020

This week, Rev Anita Kerr led our worship in church. If you were unable to join us, you will find the collect, readings and reflection below.


Almighty God, you created the heavens and the earth, and made us in your own image.
Teach us to discern your hand in all your works and to serve you with
reverence and thanksgiving.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit.


Psalm 145-verses 1&2, 13-21
Jonah 3:10-4:11
Matthew 20: 1-16



We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.


Our Bible Study series on John has recently started. We meet online on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. Find out more.

If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” on the weeks that we are not in church, please contact

With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr, Ed Muirhead and Bill Mclean, for their contributions to the church service, plus the team who prepared the church for opening.


September & October services

Our plan for September & October is to meet in church and online alternately as follows:

  • Sunday 6th September – in church
  • Sunday 13th September – online
  • Sunday 20th September – in church
  • Sunday 27th September – online
  • Sunday 4th October – in church
  • Sunday 11th October – online
  • Sunday 18th October – in church
  • Sunday 25th October – online

If you are planning to attend a church service, please check our information page.


Songs of Praise Sunday 13/9/2020

This week’s time of worship is a Songs of Praise, led by Ramanee Bengough. Music continues to be a comfort to me and many people, and I have received great feedback from people who have accessed our online times of worship and enjoyed the music we have brought together.

Today, I’m going to share with you some of my favourite songs and hymns of praise. Some have been included on our website over the past six months, and a few new ones which I hope you enjoy.

Opening music

One of the symbols we have seen everywhere this year is the rainbow. It’s always been a Christian sign of hope, and became a national sign of hope and support.

Enjoy this performance of “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, played on the oboe by Hazel Bengough.

Lord I trust thee, Handel

Sung by Grimsby Minister Choir

I spent ten years singing in an Anglican church choir, and have many favourite anthems, including this one – sung in lockdown by members of Grimsby Minister Choir. It is sung in English, and the words are:

Lord, I trust thee, I adore thee.
Ah! thou friend of man, restore me!
On thy loving grace relying,
For the bread of life I’m sighing.
Quench my thirst and let my hunger cease,
Fill my heart with joy and endless peace.
When the breath of life has left me,
May my soul be blended with thee.

Guide me O thou great Jehovah

This is a hymn which is frequently heard on the radio, and one we chose for our wedding. I love the musical harmonies, and the amazing words, including “I am weak but thou art mighty, hold me in thy powerful hand”. This reminds me that wherever I am, God is alongside me, holding my tiny hand in his.

It’s performed here at St Asaph Cathedral for BBC Songs of Praise.

As the deer pants for the water

Ed Muirhead performs this beautful hymn for us, based on the words of Pslam 42.
You alone are my hearts desire, and I long to worship you

He has made me glad

I love this a lively combination of “He has made me glad” with “Every time I feel the spirit” recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at Reading Town Hall, and find it very uplifting.

In Christ Alone

We used this recording on Palm Sunday back in April, and it’s performed by Aled Jones & Russell Watson. I saw them in concert about a year ago, and was delighted that they included several hymns during the evening.
“Here in the power of Christ, I’ll stand”

How great thou art

Our final hymn takes us from Creation via the Cross to Christ’s return – old fashioned but true words – How great thou art.
“Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art!”


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Closing music

We close with Toccata by Widor, a lovely big organ piece, played by Bill Mclean on our church organ.


Our Bible Study series on John’s gospel starts on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30pm. Find out more.

If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” on the weeks that we are not in church, please contact


Worship for Sunday 6/9/2020

Today we worshipped in our church building for the first time since March.

If you were unable to join us, Rev Anita Kerr lead us, with the collect, readings and reflection below.


Stir up O Lord the will of your faithful people that richly bearing the fruit of your good works we may be by you richly rewarded, through Jesus hrist our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.


  • Psalm 119: 33-40
  • Romans 13: 8-14
  • Matthew 18: 15-20



We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.


Our Bible Study series on Mark has finished, and we now have a week’s break. We will return on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30pm. Find out more.

If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” on the weeks that we are not in church, please contact

With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr, Hazel Bengough and Bill Mclean, plus the team who prepared the church for re-opening.