
Return to our church building – health assessment

It would be lovely to see everyone back in the church building, but please don’t come if you don’t feel it is right for you.

Please check this Health Assessment to decide if it is wise for you to attend church at this time. If you decide to attend, please also read our guidelines for attending church.

Don’t worry if you decide to stay at home; the website services will continue in the meantime.

Health Assessment

Is it wise for you to attend church?
Are you likely to be seriously affected if you catch Covid- 19?
Please consider these risk factors and the recommendations below

Risk Factor Total Score
Age 50-59 1
  60-69 2
  70-79 4
  80 and over 6
Sex at birth Male 1
Ethnicity Caucasian 0
Black African Descent 2
Indian Asian Descent 1
Filipiono Descent 1
Other (including mixed race) 1
Diabetes & Obesity Type 1 & 2 1
Diabetes Type 1 & 2 with presence of microvascular complications or HbA1c≥64mmol/mol 2
Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 35 kg/m2 1
vascular disease
Angina, previous heart attack, stroke or cardiac intervention 1
Heart Failure 2
(lung) disease
Asthma 1
Non-asthma chronic pulmonary disease 2
Either of the above requiring oral corticosteroids in the last year 1
Malignant neoplasm (cancer) Active malignancy 3
Malignancy in remission 1
tological conditions
Active treated conditions 2
suppressant therapies
Any indication 2

Total Score  


A score of under 3 indicates a lower risk, but you should still be following the guidance for staying safe.

A score of 3-5 suggests a greater risk and you should consider ways of reducing your risk by taking additional precautions or avoiding some activities.

A score of 6 or more suggests a high risk and indicates that you should continue to work or participate in church life from your home.

If you decide to attend, please also read our guidelines for attending church.

This chart is reproduced from Church of Scotland website & is based on an article on British Medical Association website.


Worship for Sunday 30/8/2020

Introductory music

Prelude by William Harris played in our church


Welcome to our time of worship, which is led by Rev Anita Kerr.
Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.

Psalm 26

Read by Dorothy Drummond


Our opening hymn is “In Christ Alone”, from BBC Songs of Praise recorded in Belfast, and performed by the hymn’s composers Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Bible Readings

Please listen to our Bible readings, which include subtitles.

Matthew chapter 16 verses 21-28 read by Hazel Bengough

Romans chapter 12, verses 10-21 read by Catherine Mclean


by Rev Anita Kerr, which has subtitles.


Let us respond by singing “Be thou my vision”


Our prayers are led by Rev Anita Kerr.

Let us say together …

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “Beauty for brokeness”.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Lord of the Years played on our church organ


Our Bible Study series on Mark has finished, and we now have a week’s break. We will return on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30pm. Find out more.

If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” with other members of the church family, please contact

With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr, Hazel Bengough, Dorothy Drummond, Catherine Mclean, Ed Muirhead and Bill Mclean.


Online Bible study

Have you ever wondered what our online Bible Study sessions are like?

Take a look at this short clip, and you’ll get an idea.

We read some of the Bible, in short sections, discuss questions (which you get in advance) and learn from each other. No one is an expert, and everyone’s answers and ideas are welcomed.

If you want to know, why not speak to someone you recognise in this picture.

Photo taken from zoom with the bible study participants

A new series on John’s gospel starts on Tuesday 15th September – same details as before. Contact us on if you want to join, and we’ll send them to you.


Worship for Sunday 23/8/2020

Introductory music

Intermezzo by P Mascagni, played on our church organ.


Welcome to our time of worship. Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.


This week’s time of worship is led by John Dent, and he welcomes us in in the video below:


Our opening hymn is “O Word of God incarnate”.

Bible Readings

Psalm 18 verses 16-30 read by Helen Mahood

John chapter 14 verses 1-11 read by Ruth Mahood


Our next hymn is “Thou art the way”.


by John Dent, which has subtitles.


Let us reflect on these words as we sing “God, our Gracious Father”, a version of the Lord’s Prayer.


Since March, Scottish Christians from many churches have been praying together on Sunday evenings. Ramanee Bengough leads us now in the prayer for this week.


Our final hymn is “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at St Asaph Cathedral, Denbighshire, Wales.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Wachet auf by Bach, played on our church organ


As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we are making plans for holding services in our church building, and should be able to share these with you by the end of August. We will continue to use our website for worship too!

With thanks to John Dent, Ruth Mahood, Helen Mahood, Ramanee Bengough, Ed Muirhead and Bill Mclean.


Worship for Sunday 16/8/2020

Introductory music


Welcome to our time of worship. Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.

Introduction and Psalm 23

This week’s time of worship is led by John Dent, who provides a welcome, and Sarah Jane Dent will read Psalm 23.


Our opening hymn is “The King of Love, my Shepherd is”.

Bible Readings

Luke chapter 15 verses 3-7 and John chapter 10 verses 11-18, read by Frances Dent


by John Dent, which has subtitles.


Let us reflect on these words as we sing “Father Hear The Prayer We Offer”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise.


John Dent now leads us in prayer

Let us say together the words which Jesus taught us:

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “All the way my Saviour leads me”, this recording is taken from the publisher, and the words with the music will appear on the screen as the video plays.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Trumpet voluntary by J Clarke, played on our church organ


As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we are making plans for holding services in our church building, and should be able to share these with you by the end of August. We will continue to use our website for worship too!

With thanks to John Dent, Frances Dent, Sarah Jane Dent, Ed Muirhead, Bill Mclean and Hazel Bengough.


Worship for Sunday 9/8/2020

Introductory music

Last Spring by Grieg


Welcome to our time of worship, today Jim Macdonald will lead our reflection.

Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.


Our opening prayer is led by John Dent.


Our opening hymn is “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”.

Bible Reading

Please listen to our Bible reading, which includes subtitles.

2 Chronicles chapter 20 verses 1-19 read by Jim Macdonald.


Our next hymn is “How deep the Father’s love for us”.


by Jim Macdonald, which has subtitles.


Let us respond by singing “What a friend we have in Jesus”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at Nottingham’s Albert Hall.


Let us pray

Faithful God,
We gather this morning in Your presence,
even though we are not physically together.
Those of us who worship you every week
and those who do not.
Those who are full of faith
and those who don’t know what we believe.
Those who can hardly keep from singing,
and those who can barely face the day.
We gather because You have called us,
because You love us,
because You are our God.
We gather, not because we are good
or pure or holy,
but because of our need.
We gather, knowing that again and again
we have failed to live as You would have us live,
that we have not loved one another,
that we have not loved Your creation,
that we have not loved You,
that we have not loved ourselves.
Forgive us, God,
and renew us to be Your people.
Make us one,
and reassure us in our true identity
as children of the One who is above all things.
For we pray this in the name of Jesus Christ,
Our faithful and forgiving friend

In this past week, many young people have received SQA results, and in the coming week, our Scottish schools re-open to pupils, let us pray
Lord, be with each and every young person who received SQA results last week.
Those who are delighted and those are unhappy.
Those who have are looking forward to the next stage of education and training
And those who are unsure what to do next.
Let each one of them feel your love and presence.
Help them to know they are loved by you.
And be with their families and friends supporting them.

As our schools re-open this week, we pray for all staff and pupils.
Thank you for all the hard work which has already taken place to get our schools ready.
For those who are excited, those unsure, those who are scared and those who can’t wait.
For those starting at a new school, whether pupil, teacher or staff member
and those returning to what might feel like a very different school.
Walk alongside them.

Protect them.
Strengthen them.
Support them.
Help everyone to understand the important of following new rules and guidelines, so that we can all stay safe.
We ask this for Jesus’ sake.

Let us say together …

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise in St Thomas Church, Belfast.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Laudate Dominum by C H H Parry played on our church organ.


If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” with other members of the church family, in future weeks, please contact

With thanks to Jim Macdonald, John Dent, Ed Muirhead and Bill Mclean.
Prayers taken from the Church of Scotland website.


Worship for Sunday 2/8/2020

Introductory music

Dominos regit by J B Dykes played in our church


Welcome to our time of worship, which is led by Rev Anita Kerr.
Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.

Psalm 17

Read by Ramanee Bengough


Our opening hymn is “Give thanks”, from BBC Songs of Praise recorded in Warwick Road United Reformed Church in Coventry.

Bible Readings

Please listen to our Bible readings, which include subtitles.

Matthew chapter 14, verses 13-21 read by Dorothy Drummond

Romans chapter 9, verses 1-9 read by Mike Duffy


by Rev Anita Kerr, which has subtitles.


Let us respond by listening to that verse from Christina Rosetti, “What can I give Him?” sung by choir of King’s College, Cambridge.


Our prayers are led by John Dent.

Let us say together …

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “Here I am Lord”.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

Westminster Abbey by Purcell played on our church organ


If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” with other members of the church family, in future weeks, please contact

With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr, John Dent, Mike Duffy, Ramanee Bengough, Ed Muirhead and Bill Mclean.


Worship for Sunday 26/7/2020

Introductory music

Extract from Der Nussbaum by Schumann


Welcome to our time of worship, which is led by Rev Anita Kerr.
Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.

Psalm 91

Read by Ramanee Bengough


Our opening hymn is “The Lord’s my Shepherd”, from BBC Songs of Praise recorded in St John the Baptist Church, Tideswell.

Bible Readings

Please listen to our Bible readings, which include subtitles.

Matthew chapter 13, verses 31-33 and 44-52 read by Hazel Bengough

Romans 8: 26-39 read by Glyn Bengough


by Rev Anita Kerr, which has subtitles.


Let us respond by singing together, “How deep the Father’s love for us”, the words will appear on screen as the hymn plays.


Let us pray …

Lord Jesus Christ,
Words cannot express
how thankful we are that You consider us to be Your children;
Your treasure, Your pearl beyond all price.

Words cannot express
how grateful we are that nothing:
Angels, demons, death, life…
nothing can separate us from Your love!

Accept, O Lord,
our gifts of our time, talent and treasure.
However great or however small,
May they and may we be used to grow Your kingdom.
May our mustard seeds grow into bushes.

Lord, we pray this day for all who are yet to hear this news.
May You continue to sustain all who seek to make You known across our world.
Be with missionaries, Bible translators, children and family workers,
chaplains, ministers, preachers and pastors.
Be in conversations, Bible studies, Alpha courses,
Christianity Explored and Emmaus courses.
Be in high churches, café churches,
messy churches, house groups and cathedrals.
Be in all that opens people’s eyes to You,
Your love and Your call.

God of love and compassion,
We pray for all who seek to make a difference in the lives of others.
Be with carers and counsellors, medics and mediators,
Be with those with listening ears and those with caring hands,
Be in all that opens people’s eyes to You,
Your love and Your call.
God of justice and peace,
We pray for all who seek to challenge injustices and stand up for what is right.
Be with the politician and the protester,
The activist and the pacifist,
The vocal and the silent.
Be in all that opens people’s eyes to You,
Your love and Your call.
Hear us and help us to see You this day, we pray.

Let us say together …

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, recorded for BBC Songs of Praise at Mont Saint-Michel in France.


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Do not stand at my grave and weep

Back in March, the University of Dundee choir and orchestra were preparing for a concert, including the Requiem “Eternal Light” by Howard Goodall. Like many others, the concert was cancelled, but members of the choir have recorded this item remotely.

With the choir singing “Lacrymosa dies illa”
the soloist sings
“Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the softly falling snow
I am the gentle show’rs of rain
I am the fields of ripening grain
I am in the morning hush
I am in the graceful rush of far-off birds in circling flight
I am the starshine of the night
I am in ev’ry flower that blooms
I am in still and empty rooms
I am the child that yearns to sing
I am in each lovely thing
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there
I did not die”

Final music

Sine Nomine by Ralph Vaughan Williams played on our church organ


If you are interested in using Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat” with other members of the church family, in future weeks, please contact

With thanks to Rev Anita Kerr, Glyn & Ramanee Bengough, Ed Muirhead, Bill Mclean and Hazel Bengough.


Songs of Praise Sunday 19/7/2020

This week’s time of worship is a Summer Songs of Praise, led by Ramanee Bengough. We asked you all for your suggestions, and we had some great ones sent in.

During this strange time, music has been very important to a lot of people. Whether joining in with an online choir, listening to the radio, or watching the many, clever, videos put together from recordings made in lockdown, I have found music a comfort and also a blessing – our house has been filled with music, with our music student daughter home from university, and practising her instruments.

I have enjoyed finding music each week to add to our online time of worship, working with our own brilliant musicians, Bill, Ed and Hazel, who have supplied me with recordings throughout, sometimes at very short notice. And from your comments, you have agreed with our selections too. Our musicians have also sent in their suggestions, and it’s lovely to find out what Christian music they enjoy.

I hope that you enjoy some old favourites, and some new ones too.

Opening Prayer

Father God,
by your Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified:
hear our prayer, which we offer for all your faithful people,
that in our vocation and ministry
we may serve you in holiness and truth
to the glory of your name;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

Summer suns are glowing (tune Ruth)

Chosen by David J Wallace, one of our church members, who said

This hymn, sadly, doesn’t seem to be heard much. I first sang it around 1954 (!!!) and probably only a few times since then. I think the music is lovely – the melody flows smoothly,  effortlessly and predictably, making the hymn easy – and a joy – to sing.

When I found this video memories of my primary school assemblies (from the 1970s) came flooding back. This version was recorded in Whitby, many years ago, for BBC Songs of Praise.

Abide with me

Chosen by Bill Mclean, our organist, who has shared his talents with us during lockdown. Bill said

One of my favourite hymns is ‘Abide with me’, it’s a well loved hymn. When Logie church closed to join with St John’s (Cross), I returned to the church alone after the last service and played this wonderful hymn. Because of that it holds a special memory for me.

This version was recorded in Glasgow Cathedral, and shown on BBC Songs of Praise.

My hope is built on nothing less

Chosen by John Dent, one of our elders, who has led several times of worship online, he said,

Amongst many favourites, this one, of faith and confidence, is the most long standing – since around 1974.
The content says it all!

Recorded by Ed Muirhead, our pianist.

In heavenly love abiding

Chosen by Catherine Mclean, who has provided several bible readings for usI. Catherine said,

This is a powerful hymn with powerful words which speak to me even more in recent times. It echoes the Bible’s assurance that the Lord is with us now and to the end.

This was recorded for BBC Songs of Praise, at St German’s Church, Cardiff

Living Hope

Chosen by Hazel Bengough, who’s been playing oboe and piano for our online times of worship. She said,

I’ve chosen ‘Living Hope’ as it’s often played at the church I attend in Glasgow. It reminds us that Jesus has conquered death for us and that He is our true hope in times like these.

This was recorded at Spring Harvest, and shown on BBC Songs of Praise earlier this year.

When I survey the wonderous cross

Chosen by our pianist, Ed Muirhead, who has been recording hymns for us since the first week of lockdown. He said,

“When I survey” has been one of my favourite hymns for a long time – the tune is great, and the words seem to put everything in perspective, pulling your attention back to Jesus, his cross and love. The combination of music and words in the hymn works really well, the melody and harmony ebbing and flowing with the feeling in the lyrics.

Now thank we all our God

Chosen by Catherine Mclean, who said,

Why this one? The words are very powerful and the tune likewise. It was a hymn sung at the closing summer service at Harris Academy. It stirs powerful emotions in me which I can’t quite comprehend.

This version comes from Grace Community Church – Sun Valley, California.

10,000 Reasons

Chosen by Florence & Gordon Mitchell, who first came to our church last year. They said,

This is a beautiful rendition of Psalm 103. We first heard it at Logie &  St John’s (Cross) at a worship led by Rev Anita Kerr and it speaks volumes to us.       

Rev Anita Kerr introduced this hymn to the congregation in 2019, and I was one of the people who volunteered to lead the singing as she taught it. We have included it in our online time of worship several times, using this version recorded in Bangor, for BBC Songs of Praise.

 Oh Jesus I have promised (tune Hatherop Castle)

Chosen by Lorna Carter, one of our church members, who has been a regular at our online coffee times. Lorna said,

I learnt this hymn at school in primary 4 for a school assembly. I still remember all the words and sing it to myself. Of  course, the words are timeless but that tune is so rousing. 

Deep peace

Chosen by Ramanee Bengough, deputy session clerk, who has been putting together the web pages each week, and emailing newsletters.

No apologies for including a piece of music which I have previously sung in a choir. What beautiful words to end our time together.

Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shining stars to you
Deep peace of the gentle night to you
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you
Deep peace of Christ the light of the world to you
Deep peace of Christ to you


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

The Blessing

Ramanee Bengough has also selected this “made in lockdown” recording of the Blessing includes people from across the UK, from over 65 churches and organisations, each representing hundreds of others.

How wonderful to see and hear Christians from so many different places all sharing one message to us all.

This video may contain adverts – something we’ve tried to avoid for our online times of worship – but we thought it was worth it to share this with you.


With many thanks to all our contributors.


Worship for Sunday 12/7/2020

Introductory music

Gabriel’s oboe written by Ennio Morricone, who died this week.


Welcome to our time of worship, which is led by Rev James Wilson.

Thank you for joining us. Most of our videos have subtitles, which you can switch on / off. On a computer you may have a option “CC” to choose subtitles in English. On phone or tablet, you may need to choose subtitles from a settings menu.


Our opening hymn is “O Worship the King”, recorded from BBC Songs of Praise.

Bible Reading

Matthew chapter 13 verses 1-9 read by Fiona Low


Our next hymn is “This is the Day that the Lord has made”, the words will appear on the screen as the hymn plays.


The first part of our reflection from Rev James Wilson.

Bible Reading

Genesis chapter 25 verses 19-34 read by Rev James Wilson


“Come down O love divine”, recorded by Grimsby Minster’s Virtual Choir.


The second part of our reflection by Rev James Wilson.


Let us pray

O God of grace and glory,
We give you thank for the rhythm of the seasons
and the constant provision for our needs in life.
We are grateful for the commitment of those who look after our quality of life,
through food production, health care and civic security.
We are aware of the injustices and ill division of wealth in our world,
and are mindful of the message of those who challenge our life style
and comfortable way of living.
We know we do not deserve the mercy and love You have shown to us all,
day by day, in countless ways.
May we treasure your Word and its message
and be more and more aware of our responsibility as disciples
in gratitude to You for Jesus Christ our Lord.

Let us say together …

Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,


Our final hymn is “Sing Aloud”, recorded from BBC Songs of Praise


We normally say the words of the Grace to each other. We say them now to whoever is with us, and to everyone we have thought about during this time of worship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.

Final music

St Denio (Joanna) played on our church organ.


We are starting a new Bible Study series on what Mark’s Gospel tells us about Jesus. This will be online, starting on Tuesday 14th July 7.30 pm, please contact if you wish to join in.

If you are interested in joining around 20 of us, on Zoom to have an “after church coffee & chat”, please contact

Prayers from the Church of Scotland.

With thanks to Rev James Wilson, Fiona Low, Ed Muirhead, Bill Mclean and Hazel Bengough.