Home Notices

Tuesday Bible Study Groups

Connect Groups – Connecting with God, Connecting with each other

Our next Tuesday Bible Study series will start on September 6th, with a choice of an evening or an afternoon session to try.

We will start with a series on “God’s Love” using a short guide book to explore some psalms which fill out aspects of this vast topic.

We had thought about calling the series “CONNECT with the Bible” but that misses the point, it’s really all about Connecting with Jesus.

For more information, please contact Grant on

Home Notices

Sinderins Community Hub

Our pilot scheme is starting on Thursday 18th August – Thursdays 1-4pm.

Drop in for coffee, snack & a chat – Come on your own or bring a friend.

A place to meet and make friends, a place to participate in serving the community as well as a place to find support, a place where there will always be someone to listen to you and a place where you can shape what is offered.

Everyone is welcome – no charge, donations welcome.

Home Notices

Connecting with God

Over the last two years we have enjoyed times of fellowship and learning on a Tuesday evening through our Zoom ‘Connect with the Bible’.

On Tuesday 26th April from 7.30pm we will be celebrating the end of this group at the manse and the beginning of something new.

Our new groups will be held in person at church from Tuesday 3rd May.

These groups will have 20 minutes of connecting with one another as we look to build and deepen our friendships across the church, 20 minutes of exploring a passage of the Bible and 20 minutes of a prayerful exercise.

The groups are designed for people at all stages of faith and people will not be asked to do anything they are not comfortable with.

Let us know if you would like to join us on 26th April, or from 3rd May –

Home Notices

Bereavement: Spaces for Listening

The pain of bereavement and loss never leaves, we simply learn to live with a loved ones absence. The scar may fade, however the scar is still there.

A mum or dad, a spouse or partner, a son or daughter, a friend, someone who made a difference to our lives!

Whatever the relationship, sometimes we need space to talk. To talk about the person, to share our memories, to tell our stories; to share how we continue to live with the reality of their death; to be honest about how much we miss them and how we are coping or perhaps not coping.

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like a safe space to talk openly with others, then please join our Spaces For Listening Bereavement Group.

This will be led by Grant, and will take place once a month on Mondays (2nd May, 6th June, 4th July) at 2pm- 3:30pm in the Vestry, a downstairs room at church.

You are welcome to come to each of these sessions or just one. We’d like to keep the numbers small, so please email Grant to let him know you are coming

You may also want to share with other family members or friends that this is taking place, if you think it might be helpful for them.

Home Notices

Easter 2022

Palm Sunday service – Sunday 10th April 11am, Logie & St John’s (Cross)

This will be led by Elders and members of the congregation.

Holy Week reflections – Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th April, 12 noon, Lochee Parish Church

Short reflections followed by a soup lunch.

Maundy Thursday Communion Service – Thursday 14th April 7:30pm, Logie & St John’s (Cross)

During Holy Week it is the tradition of many congregations to gather on the Thursday evening before Good Friday to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. This will be an informal and quiet time of reflection.

As we have to comply with Covid guidelines on celebrating the Lord’s Supper, we cannot pass trays of bread and wine, and we are looking at ways of doing this differently.

Walk of Witness – Good Friday 15th April 10.30am starting at St. Mary’s Church, Lochee

This Walk of Witness will start at St Mary’s Church Lochee and will end at Lochee Parish Church with various stops en route. Tea/coffee and hot cross buns at the end of the walk.

You may wish to attend the Good Friday service at St Mary’s at 10am prior to the walk.

Easter Sunday 8am – sunrise service, Balgay Observatory

The sunrise service will be followed by breakfast at Lochee Parish Church.

Easter Sunday 11am – Morning Worship, Logie & St John’s (Cross)

Join us to celebrate the Risen Lord.

Easter Sunday 2pm-3pm, Victoria Park

Our church family will gather at Victoria Park to roll our eggs. Invite your family or friends along.

Home Notices

Connect Events in March 2022

Our Connect with a Cuppa events, in person, return this month. Bring your own cup to church, and join us in the hall afterwards. And we’ve also restarted alternate Wednesday afternoon Cuppa events too – all welcome.

If you cannot or do not wish to come to church on Sunday mornings, then join a time of Fellowship and Christian Reflection at “Connect and Reflect”.

CONNECT WITH A CUPPA – Sundays after the 11am service
Join us in the halls, please bring your own cup.

CONNECT WITH THE BIBLE – Tuesdays 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd March 7:30pm-8:30pm
Our Lent Bible Study series continues on Zoom. Come along and listen, no need to answer any questions.

CONNECT WITH A CUPPA – Wednesdays 2nd, 16th & 30th March 2-3.30pm.
Join us in the halls, please bring your own cup.

GUILD MEETING – Wednesdays 9th & 23rd March 2-3.30pm.
Join us in the halls, all welcome.

CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER – Thursdays 10th, 17th & 24th March 10-11am
A chance to enjoy fellowship with each other on Zoom, followed by a time of Christian reflection – drop in when you can, leave when you want.

Please email if you would like the Zoom access information.

Home Notices

Temporary changes in the building

There are some temporary changes necessary to how we access the church sanctuary.

We had a recent building inspection by the Church of Scotland Health and Safety Officer. As a result, a number of issues have been identified regarding the building.

Firstly, the condition of the stonework and windows above the front entrance on Blackness Avenue have been identified as being in poor condition. This means that until we have some remedial work done, we
cannot use the front entrance.

Entrance and exit, to and from the church building will only be from the Shaftesbury Terrace (ie halls) door.

Secondly, a crack at ceiling height above the organ and lectern needs further investigation to ensure that it is stable. Until this is done, we need to keep a 2-metre safe zone beneath it. This unfortunately means that the organ will not be used for leading worship and the lectern will not be used.

We are currently working on a plan to organise for the appropriate professionals to quote for remedial work to be carried out but this will take time. We will update you when we can.

Home Notices

Connect Events in February 2022

Our Connect with a Cuppa events, in person, return this month. Bring your own cup to church, and join us in the hall afterwards. And we’ve also restarted alternate Wednesday afternoon Cuppa events too – all welcome.

If you cannot or do not wish to come to church on Sunday mornings, then join a time of Fellowship and Christian Reflection at “Connect and Reflect”.

CONNECT WITH A CUPPA – Sundays after the 11am service
Join us in the halls, please bring your own cup.

CONNECT WITH THE BIBLE – Tuesdays 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd February 7:30pm-8:30pm
Our Bible Study series continues with a series looking at some of the Psalms. Come along and listen, no need to answer any questions.

CONNECT WITH A CUPPA – Wednesdays 2nd & 16th February 2-3.30pm.
Join us in the halls, please bring your own cup.

CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER – Thursdays 10th, 17th & 24th February 10-11am
A chance to enjoy fellowship with each other on Zoom, followed by a time of Christian reflection – drop in when you can, leave when you want.

Please email if you would like the Zoom access information.

Home Notices

Family & Young People Activities

An important part of our church family has been hit badly by all that has happened in the last two years. Guidelines have stopped us from being able to deliver any Sunday activities for our children!

Family Zoom Quiz

We’re holding Family Zoom Quiz on Sunday 6th February at 3pm, to involve children and families in our church life. Why not bring your children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces or godchildren along?

Please email if you would like the Zoom access information.

Children and young people’s work meeting

We also want to look at how we can best begin to deliver work with children and young people as part of our congregational worship. Sunday morning doesn’t always fit with family life, sporting activities and other leisure pursuits so we’d like to hear what would work best for you and your children.

We’re holding a Zoom meeting on Sunday 30th January at 3pm to gather thoughts and ideas. If you are a parent, grandparent or carer, or if you have been part of our children’s work in the past, please come along.

If you are interested and know you cannot make the meeting, please let Grant know and we will try to update you and find ways to hear your thoughts.

We also aim to consult the children and young people about what they feel would be best for them.

Please email if you would like the Zoom access information.

Home Notices

Connect with the Bible – Psalms

CONNECT WITH THE BIBLE – Tuesdays 11th, 18th, 25th January 7:30pm-8:30pm

Our Bible Study series on Zoom has resumed with a new series looking at some of the Psalms.

Our first study was on Psalm 13, and we’ll look at Psalms 8 & 10 in the next few weeks.

We also watched this informative summary of the whole book of Psalms.

Everyone is welcome to join our group, come along and listen, no need to answer any questions.

Please email if you would like the Zoom access information.