
Online Bible Study – 18th May 2021 onwards

Tuesday Bible Study has a break for a week now and resumes online on Tuesday 18th May 7.30-8.30pm.

We’ll be studying 1 Corinthians using material from the Scottish Bible Society.

The Zoom details are unchanged from previous sessions, and if you’d like to join us (around 15 people from two churches) please email for the Zoom details.


May services

We continue to have an all-age service of worship in church every Sunday, led by our locum ministers Rev Catriona Morrison and Rev Marc Prowe.

There is no longer a limit of 50 people in church, we simply have to ensure households are sitting 2m from each other. Our welcome team will show you where to sit, to make sure we get this right.

There is step-free entry using the Shaftesbury Terrace (no need call ahead for this access).

We are getting used to the new ways of worship, with some live and some recorded music – we can still stand and say the words of hymns and songs to ourselves, and clap along.

We can also chat to each other outside, in groups of six afterwards.

Please remember to bring a face covering (unless medically exempt), you may want to bring your own Bible too.

We look forward to seeing you in church when you feel it’s right for you, and our website services will also continue.


Connect with a Cuppa

Wednesday 28th April 2-3pm

We’re restarting face to face Connect with a Cuppa this week – out of doors and weather permitting. All ages are welcome, come and catch up with each other.

We will have separate areas for groups of six people, with separate people serving you.

Please come round to the Shaftesbury Terrace side of the church, and bring your own cup if possible – we’ll provide tea/coffee & wrapped biscuits.

Then it will be every other Wednesday: 12th May, 26th May, 9th June, 23rd June.


Vacancy update

The Kirk Session met with the Presbytery vacancy advisory committee recently and discussed the next steps in our journey to finding a new minister.

In the coming weeks the Electoral Register will be finalised, a draft Parish Profile written and information about how we form a Nominating Committee will be shared.

Please contact if you wish to confirm you are on the Electoral Register or you wish to join our church.


Re-opening for worship

From Easter Day 2021 (4th April) we are returning to holding all-age worship back in church every Sunday, led by our locum ministers Rev Catriona Morrison and Rev Marc Prowe.

Website services will also continue, but for now we won’t be running our Zoom coffee sessions.

It would be lovely to see you back in the church building, but please don’t come if you don’t feel it is right for you.

Do not attend if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or if you have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

Please take note of the following points before deciding whether or not to attend, and to prepare yourself, if you do decide to attend.

  • You must bring a mask / face covering (compulsory).
  • You might want to bring a bible and bottle of water.
Photo of box of face masks
  • Come to the main door on Blackness Avenue. Please let us know in advance if you need disabled access.
  • Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than normal to ensure all can be seated by 11.00am.
  • Wait outside in a socially distanced manner until you are invited to enter the building. This will be one (or one household) at a time. Bring an umbrella if the weather is doubtful!
Photo of pull up banner
  • As you come in you will be asked to read some notices, put on your mask / face covering and use the hand sanitiser provided.
Photo of hand sanitiser station
  • You will need to give your name and phone number. This is to comply with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect programme.
  • Please wait until you are directed to a pew.
  • Only some pews will be in use and these will be ‘filled’ from the front backwards.
  • Each pew can only have either two individuals, a couple & an individual, or a family. It’s important you stay in the seat to which you are directed.
  • Cushions are not permitted in the pews.
  • Avoid touching anything and maintain social distance.
  • The disabled toilet will be the only toilet available. Please keep use to a minimum.
  • There will no singing and no pew Bibles or service sheets, but we will still have music playing.
  • At the end of the service, stay in your seat until you are directed to leave the building. Those in the back pews will be asked to leave first, all leaving through the main door and not along the passage.
  • There must only be essential talking within the building and no congregating outside. The Church of Scotland particularly reminds us that places of worship are privileged to be allowed to re-open, and we must set a good example in the community.
  • It will not be possible to serve tea and coffee.
  • Children are very welcome but there will not be a Sunday Club. We suggest you bring activities for your children to do during the sermon.
  • Please bring any monetary donations in an envelope and leave them the box provided; cheques would be preferable to cash.

This all sounds very strict, and very different to how we normally worship together.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

And for those who choose not to attend, we will be praying for you, and a time when we can all worship together in person.


Try Praying

We’ve just added Try Praying booklets for adults and children into the boxes outside our church on Blackness Avenue. Please help yourself.

Take a look at the Try Praying website for lots of useful ideas and advice, including a seven-day “getting started” guide.


March services

During March 2021 our Sunday services will be online, in accordance with Covid-19 guidance.

All services will appear on our Worship page from 10am on the relevant Sunday, and are followed by Zoom coffee time at 11.45am. Please contact if you would like the Zoom details.


Question of the week

Questions are better than answers, and you are experts of life because you are in life. Your answers will help me to prepare your online service of worship for 7th February.

I’d be delighted to receive your answer, the earlier the better, if you can. 

Question of the week (answer only one, or both):
a. what, in your experience, can lead someone to find Jesus?
b. what, to you personally, makes Jesus so special?

Your answer can come: 

  • in any format (written, spoken, picture, drawing, video … via phone, email, recording audio or video) – as short as one or two sentences ideally
  • anonymously or with your first name to it (please say if you are okay with your first name public on YouTube)

Please send directly to Rev Marc Prowe  
01382 561523  or 07845 694441 [text or WhatsApp]


February services

During February 2021 our Sunday services will be online, in accordance with Covid-19 guidance.

All services will appear on our Worship page from 10am on the relevant Sunday, and are followed by Zoom coffee time at 11.45am. Please contact if you would like the Zoom details.


The Bible Course

The next series for our Tuesday Bible Study online starts on Tuesday 2nd February, and runs for eight weeks, during February and March. It’s open to everyone – let us know if you are joining, so we can provide you with a course booklet.

We are using The Bible Course, developed by the Bible Society who say:

An eight-session course helping you explore the BIG story.

Big, complex, old … just some of the words people use to describe the Bible.

Sound familiar? That’s where The Bible Course comes in.

The course will increase your confidence, equip you to read the Bible better and help you to see its relevance to daily life.

The course provides a birds-eye view of the world’s bestselling book.  

Over eight interactive sessions, it combines video teaching, group discussion, personal reflection and daily readings. 

All welcome.

You can also find out more on the Bible Society website, and you can see the first week’s presentations on YouTube below.

Contact if you have any questions, or if you would like the Zoom details.