
Online Bible Study

Tuesday Bible Study resumes online on Tuesday 12th January – and for the first three weeks we’ll be looking at the Fruits of the Spirit and focusing on Joy, Love and Peace, in that order. For these three sessions, there will not be any notes/questions to consider in advance.

Ramanee, John & Frances will be leading these first three evenings.

All welcome.

Contact if you need the Zoom details.


January services

During January 2021 we will meet online, following recent changes to Covid-19 guidance.

  • Sunday 3rd January – online led by Rev Catriona Morrison & Rev Marc Prowe.
  • Sunday 10th January – online
  • Sunday 17th January – online
  • Sunday 24th January – online
  • Sunday 31st January – online

All services will appear on our Worship page from 10am on the relevant Sunday, and are followed by Zoom coffee time at 11.45am. Please contact if you would like the Zoom details.


The Scottish Church Leaders Forum – Christmas video

The Scottish Church Leaders Forum has released a Christmas video.

Rt Rev Dr Martin Fair, Moderator of the General Assembly, is one of 10 figures who have each recited a line of a heartfelt message.

They decided to come together in recognition that many individuals and familes are grappling with difficulties and uncertainties due to the impact of COVID-19.

It is hoped that sharing the Good News about the birth of Jesus Christ will bring some comfort, hope and peace to those who are struggling.

The Scottish Church Leaders Forum was formed in March in response to the pandemic to speak on issues of mutual concern with one voice.


December services

During December we will meet in church and online as follows:

  • Sunday 6th December – in church, led by Rev Marc Prowe
  • Sunday 13th December – online Carol Service, available from 9am
  • Sunday 20th December – in church, led by Rev David Mcleod – please book a seat at this service by calling 01382 668514 and leave your name and number of places required
  • Sunday 27th December – online

If you are planning to attend a church service, please check our information page.


Bible study – The First Days of Jesus

What do you think the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ birth would think of our modern Christmas celebrations? Most likely, they would be amazed at the way in which our holiday traditions fail to do justice to this amazing event in human history. Yet while we can’t go back in time and witness the events firsthand, we do have reliable accounts of the birth of Jesus in the Gospels. A slow, careful walk through the infancy narratives will give you a glimpse of what truly happened and help us see the birth of Jesus with new eyes.

Our next Bible Study series will look at “The First Days of Jesus”, comparing accounts from Matthew, Luke & John, using material from The Gospel Coalition. We start on Tuesday 1st December for three weeks.

You can join with the same Zoom details as before, or contact us on and we will send these to you.


Locum and Interim Moderator

You may be aware that Invergowrie Church welcomed two new ministers, Rev Catriona Morrison & Rev Marc Prowe, about a month ago, on a job share basis. 

Dundee Presbytery have now agreed that they are in a position to support Logie & St. John’s (Cross) and they have been appointed as our locum giving us two days a week of time, plus preaching on Sundays (in church & online).

In addition, Catriona will also act as our Interim Moderator, to provide us with continuity as we plan for the future.


Bible study – John’s gospel

We have just finished our Bible Study series on John’s gospel, with up to 15 people taking part each week. The leaders have included John & Frances Dent, David Mcleod, Ramanee Bengough & Alistair Montgomery.

We have all learnt a lot from this study, and if you would like a quick summary of John’s gospel (takes less then 20 minutes), why not view these two videos from BibleProject – a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos, which they have created to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible.

Have you ever wondered what our online Bible Study sessions are like? Take a look at this short clip, and you’ll get an idea.

We read some of the Bible, in short sections, discuss questions (which you get in advance) and learn from each other. No one is an expert, and everyone’s answers and ideas are welcomed.

If you want to know, why not speak to someone you recognise in this picture.

Photo taken from zoom with the bible study participants

Our next series will look at “The First Days of Jesus”, comparing accounts from Matthew, Luke & John. We start on Tuesday 1st December for three weeks. You can join with the same Zoom details as before.

Contact us on and we will send these to you.


November services

During November we will meet in church and online as follows:

  • Sunday 1st November – in church
  • Sunday 8th November- online
  • Sunday 15th November- in church
  • Sunday 22nd November- online
  • Sunday 29th November- online

If you are planning to attend a church service, please check our information page.


Arrangements for worship in church

We are currently holding services in church on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.

It would be lovely to see you back in the church building, but please don’t come if you don’t feel it is right for you.

Please take note of the following points before deciding whether or not to attend, and to prepare yourself, if you do decide to attend.

Don’t worry if you decide to stay at home; the website services will continue on the 2nd/4th/5th Sundays, followed by coffee time on Zoom.

  • Check the Health Assessment to decide if it is wise for you to attend the church.
    If you need to travel by bus, is that wise?
  • Do not attend if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or if you have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
  • You must bring a mask / face covering (compulsory).
  • You might want to bring a bible and bottle of water.
Photo of box of face masks
  • Come to the main door on Blackness Avenue. Please let us know in advance if you need disabled access.
  • Aim to arrive 15-20 minutes earlier than normal to ensure all can be seated by 11.00am.
  • Wait outside in a socially distanced manner until you are invited to enter the building. This will be one (or one household) at a time. Bring an umbrella if the weather is doubtful!
Photo of pull up banner
  • As you come in you will be asked to read some notices, put on your mask / face covering and use the hand sanitiser provided.
Photo of hand sanitiser station
  • You will need to give your name and phone number. This is to comply with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect programme.
  • Please wait until you are directed to a pew.
  • Only some pews will be in use and these will be ‘filled’ from the front backwards.
  • Each pew can only have either two individuals, a couple & an individual, or a family. It’s important you stay in the seat to which you are directed.
  • Cushions are not permitted in the pews.
  • Avoid touching anything and maintain social distance.
  • The disabled toilet will be the only toilet available. Please keep use to a minimum.
  • There will no singing and no pew Bibles or service sheets, but we will still have music playing.
  • At the end of the service, stay in your seat until you are directed to leave the building. Those in the back pews will be asked to leave first, all leaving through the main door and not along the passage.
  • There must only be essential talking within the building and no congregating outside.
  • It will not be possible to serve tea and coffee.
  • Children are very welcome but there will not be a Sunday Club. We suggest you bring activities for your children to do during the sermon.
  • Please bring any monetary donations in an envelope and leave them the box provided; cheques would be preferable to cash.

This all sounds very strict, and very different to how we normally worship together.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

And for those who choose not to attend, we will be praying for you, and a time when we can worship together in person.


September & October services

Our plan for September & October is to meet in church and online alternately as follows:

  • Sunday 6th September – in church
  • Sunday 13th September – online
  • Sunday 20th September – in church
  • Sunday 27th September – online
  • Sunday 4th October – in church
  • Sunday 11th October – online
  • Sunday 18th October – in church
  • Sunday 25th October – online

If you are planning to attend a church service, please check our information page.