
Return to our church building – health assessment

It would be lovely to see everyone back in the church building, but please don’t come if you don’t feel it is right for you.

Please check this Health Assessment to decide if it is wise for you to attend church at this time. If you decide to attend, please also read our guidelines for attending church.

Don’t worry if you decide to stay at home; the website services will continue in the meantime.

Health Assessment

Is it wise for you to attend church?
Are you likely to be seriously affected if you catch Covid- 19?
Please consider these risk factors and the recommendations below

Risk Factor Total Score
Age 50-59 1
  60-69 2
  70-79 4
  80 and over 6
Sex at birth Male 1
Ethnicity Caucasian 0
Black African Descent 2
Indian Asian Descent 1
Filipiono Descent 1
Other (including mixed race) 1
Diabetes & Obesity Type 1 & 2 1
Diabetes Type 1 & 2 with presence of microvascular complications or HbA1c≥64mmol/mol 2
Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 35 kg/m2 1
vascular disease
Angina, previous heart attack, stroke or cardiac intervention 1
Heart Failure 2
(lung) disease
Asthma 1
Non-asthma chronic pulmonary disease 2
Either of the above requiring oral corticosteroids in the last year 1
Malignant neoplasm (cancer) Active malignancy 3
Malignancy in remission 1
tological conditions
Active treated conditions 2
suppressant therapies
Any indication 2

Total Score  


A score of under 3 indicates a lower risk, but you should still be following the guidance for staying safe.

A score of 3-5 suggests a greater risk and you should consider ways of reducing your risk by taking additional precautions or avoiding some activities.

A score of 6 or more suggests a high risk and indicates that you should continue to work or participate in church life from your home.

If you decide to attend, please also read our guidelines for attending church.

This chart is reproduced from Church of Scotland website & is based on an article on British Medical Association website.


Online Bible study

Have you ever wondered what our online Bible Study sessions are like?

Take a look at this short clip, and you’ll get an idea.

We read some of the Bible, in short sections, discuss questions (which you get in advance) and learn from each other. No one is an expert, and everyone’s answers and ideas are welcomed.

If you want to know, why not speak to someone you recognise in this picture.

Photo taken from zoom with the bible study participants

A new series on John’s gospel starts on Tuesday 15th September – same details as before. Contact us on if you want to join, and we’ll send them to you.


New Bible Study Group

On Tuesday 14th July we have a new online bible study starting looking at Mark’s Gospel.

If you’d like to join this group, please get in touch with us and we will send you the details.

Email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Summer Songs of Praise

Our time of worship on Sunday 19th July will be a Summer Songs of Praise, featuring favourite hymns and worship songs chosen by our church family.

If you’d like to suggest a piece of music, please get in touch with your choice and tell us why.

Email or leave a message on 01382 668514.


Moving to Secondary School?

If you know someone moving to Secondary School, please feel free to take one of the Scripture Union “It’s Your Move” booklets for them. You can find these in the dispensers at the Blackness Avenue side of the church.


Online giving

You can donate to the work of this church, or the wider Church of Scotland at


Online coffee time

If you’d like to join our online coffee time on Sunday mornings, please email or leave a message on 01382 668514.

You don’t need a computer, you can join using a normal phone if you prefer.


Christian Aid Week

Each year, Christian Aid Week brings together tens of thousands of committed volunteers across Britain and Ireland to raise millions of pounds in support of people living in poverty, injustice and inequality across the world.

Now, more so than ever, Christian Aid Week provides an important opportunity to celebrate and share the life-saving work that brings hope to people the world over.

In 2019 Christian Aid Week raised over £7.5m through a combination of church collections, house-to-house, delivery-only fundraising and events such as Big Brekkies.

This year, many Christian Aid supporters will have already dedicated a significant amount of their time and energy planning these initiatives.

Not surprisingly, the coronavirus situation has meant that much of this usual fundraising cannot go ahead for Christian Aid Week 2020 (10-16 May).

If you can afford it, please make your Christian Aid donation online this year –



If you are enjoying the music in our Sunday times of worship, you can find all the tracks we’ve used here:


Discipleship Explored

We had to stop ‘Discipleship Explored’ after only one session when the lockdown started. We are now planning to restart the course by using online videos and a Zoom Meeting.

Participants will watch a 15 minute video and then join a Zoom meeting for 45minutes to discuss questions and points raised.

Discipleship Explored helps followers of Jesus turn up the gospel
soundtrack to their lives.

It goes beyond simply teaching the right moves – go to church, pray, read the Bible, share the gospel and focuses on the music which drives discipleship: the love of Christ. The greatest love anyone can ever know. It’s an eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians and is ideal for believers at any stage of the Christian life.

Interested? Then please contact to register your interest.

Find out more about Discipleship Explored.

This first session will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th May 2020. Help is available to set up Zoom and there’ll be a practice session a few days before the first meeting.